Landmark Nicknames
What nicknames have your city's citizens bestowed upon their favorite auto-arteries, buildings, natural landmarks, etc.?
In Atlanta we have:
Spaghetti Junction - the intersection of I-85 & I-285 in NE Atlanta.
The Perimeter - the I-285 loop around Atlanta
The Connector - inside 'the Perimeter', I-75 and I-85 connect and travel North/South through Atlanta
Little Five Points - the intersection of McClendon, Euclid & Moreland Avenues.
MARTA - Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority, our city rail and bus system
The Hooch - The Chattahoochee River, translated from Cherokee means "river of painted rock"
The Tit - Alexander Memorial Colliseum at Georgia Tech
The Big Chicken - a Kentucky Fried Chicken location used by airline pilots as a navigational aid.
In Atlanta we have:
Spaghetti Junction - the intersection of I-85 & I-285 in NE Atlanta.
The Perimeter - the I-285 loop around Atlanta
The Connector - inside 'the Perimeter', I-75 and I-85 connect and travel North/South through Atlanta
Little Five Points - the intersection of McClendon, Euclid & Moreland Avenues.
MARTA - Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority, our city rail and bus system
The Hooch - The Chattahoochee River, translated from Cherokee means "river of painted rock"
The Tit - Alexander Memorial Colliseum at Georgia Tech
The Big Chicken - a Kentucky Fried Chicken location used by airline pilots as a navigational aid.
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